Likert Scale

Likert Scale questions offer the following options:

Property Name

Property Description

Question Name*

The name of the survey question. This name doesn't appear when participants complete the survey. It appears in reports and when answers are downloaded in PDF format.

Question Text*

The text of the question.


A variable name to use when exporting the data for this question. If no variable name is specified, the question name is used when exporting data.


Indicates if this question is mandatory and must be completed by participants.


The conditions that make this question mandatory. The question will be mandatory only for participants whose answers meet the specified conditions.


Indicates if this question is hidden when participants complete the survey. Instead of deleting a question and loosing it's data associated, you can hide it.


Indicates if this question is grouped on the same page with the proceeding question(s).

Participant Comments

Indicates if participants can provide comments in a comments box that appears below the question. Enable this option if you have an "Other" option and you want participants to be able to provide details.

Comments Label

The label to display above the comments box if comments are enabled.

Max. Length

The maximum number of characters that can be entered in the comments field.

Single Line

Indicates if a simple text field or multiline text field is displayed.


The maximum number of seconds a participant has to complete the question. Once the timeout has expired, the participant will no longer be able to complete the question.

Disable Previous

Indicates if the "Previous" button is disabled. When activated, once a participant reaches this question in the survey, they can no longer use the previous button to change answers to previous questions.

Write Once

Indicates if the answer to this question becomes read only and cannot be changed once the participant clicks the "Next" button.

Randomize statements

Indicates if the statements should be presented in a random order for each participant.

Sort statements

Indicates if the statements should be sorted alphabetically.

* denotes a mandatory field.

Likert Scale question Scale Items offer the following options:

Property Name

Property Description

Likert Scale Item*

The text of the Likert scale item.


The number of points to allocate when this scale item is selected.


The type of this scale item.

Note Applicable : Items of this type will not require an answer when the statement has type "Other - Specify".

Likert Scale question Statements Items offer the following options:

Property Name

Property Description


The statement that will be rated using the Likert scale. For example, the "The service was good"


The yearly objectives for this statement. The objectives are an average of points to attain.

Skip Logic

The conditions to determine if this statement is skipped or not


Indicates if this statement is mandatory

Mandatory Conditions

The conditions to determine if this statement is mandatory.


Indicates if this statement is a heading and does not require a response


The type of this statement. If the statements are randomized or sorted, the "Other" and "Other - Specify" statements will appear at the bottom of the list of statements.

Other: indicates this an "other" type of statement. 

Other - Specify: indicates this an "other" type of statement which requires the participant to enter details in the comments.

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